It's been since the early nineties that people would get all excited over psychedelic computer graphics and actually enjoy those amazing random pixel patterns.
Well, surely these days are over, but the iPad’s multitouch display adds a whole new dimension of interactivity to this stuff and might temporarily revive the whole genre. (...)
- Affirmation
- Date
- September 2010
- Categories
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- App By
- Jason K Smith
- Dealer
What to do if a gaggle of dandelion seeds besieges your screen? Without knowing where they’re coming from and who really puffed the blowball, you’re first impulse might be: destruction.
And yes, you’re right, these spores are quite instable and in order to make progress in this game, you actually have to get rid of those fluffy pom-poms. (...)
- Affirmation
- Date
- November 2010
- Categories
- Tags
- App By
- Escalation Studios LLC
- Dealer
The Ogs are loose... but what the hell is an Og... what's its purpose... and what is its motivation. Let's see if we can find out. The game is currently given away for free, so right now, there is no harm done. (...)
- Affirmation
- Date
- October 2010
- Categories
- Tags
- App By
- Philipp Lenssen
- Dealer